News & Events

(Harrisburg, PA) April 20, 2020 – Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, is responding to the pandemic by actively monitoring and sharing critical, real-time information on COVID-19 regulatory directives by state. RESA recognizes the need for relevant, timely data because the rapidly changing COVID-19 environment presents a unique set...
New Data Updates and Supports Groundbreaking Research by the Late Dr. Phil O’Connor (Harrisburg, PA) September 26, 2019 – The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, today released new data that reveals a growing cost disparity between monopoly and competitive states. The new data, which is an...
Retail Energy Supply Association Announces Addition of New Member Company Freepoint Energy Solutions (Harrisburg, PA) March 25, 2019 – The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, today announced the addition of Freepoint Energy Solutions as the organization’s newest member. Freepoint Energy Solutions, which is headquartered in Houston, is a licensed energy...
Consumers in Monopoly States Paying the Price for Unprecedented Market Conditions (Harrisburg, PA) February 11, 2019 -The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, today released new research on electricity price trends that reveals an eye-opening cost disparity between monopoly and competitive states. Researchers have discovered that, while the electricity...
(Harrisburg, PA) February 6, 2019 – The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, today announced the election of its new officers and state chairs for 2019. The group, which will now make up the organization’s executive committee, was confirmed during RESA’s annual board meeting in December and will each...
Research Calls into Question Recent Claims by the Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel (Harrisburg, PA) February 4, 2019 – Connecticut residential energy customers could have saved more than $14 million dollars in just the first month of 2019 and received greater value for their energy dollars such as renewable energy, fixed price plans, and loyalty rewards...
Independent Study Finds Electric Suppliers Could Have Saved Maryland Consumers More Than $203 Million in 2018 (BALTIMORE) January 22, 2019 – The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, today released an analysis that calls into question recent reports by the Maryland Office of People’s Counsel (OPC) and The Abell...
(Harrisburg, PA) January 14, 2019 – The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, today announced the addition of First Point Power as the organization’s newest member. First Point Power, which is based in Warwick, Rhode Island, is a licensed energy supplier that provides electricity for residential and commercial consumers...
Market Intervention Would Produce Adverse Outcomes for Consumers, Energy Innovation The New York Public Service Commission’s efforts to prohibit certain energy service company (ESCO) sales are unsupported by fundamental economics and will harm consumers, resulting in unintended consequences that likely will thwart the state’s programs intended to transform New York’s energy marketplace and promote cleaner,...
HARRISBURG, PA. — The Retail Energy Supply Association will convene its 2017 Energy Competition Symposium in Boston Sept. 20 featuring a distinguished group of speakers exploring the leading issues affecting retail energy competition nationally. Among the key issues to be discussed at the half-day event is the impact competitive retail energy markets have had over...
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