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Consumers who were hoping the new year might bring some relief from skyrocketing energy prices are in for a shock. Experts expect electric bills to keep climbing this year, even as overall inflation eases. Consumers paid 14.3% more on average for electricity in 2022 than they did in 2021 — that’s more than double the...
January 10th marks National Cut Your Energy Costs Day, encouraging consumers to reassess their energy provider and reminding them to keep up with scheduled maintenance. During the winter months, electricity bills can get pricey, so it’s essential to be mindful of the energy you are using. Eliminating what is unnecessary and making small changes in...
(Harrisburg, PA) June 7, 2022 – Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, is pleased to announce the launch of its new website.  RESA partnered with GlobeRunner over the past year to execute a strategic redesign of its website aimed at providing critical information and data for...
U.S. retail electric markets encompass an ever-changing landscape that continually challenges energy suppliers to provide value propositions to customers while navigating through fluctuating wholesale markets and a never-ending sea of unpredictable regulatory rule changes. While most retail electric suppliers are adept at dealing with wholesale market variabilities and shocks, regulatory uncertainty presents a unique conundrum...
Consumer advocates, Attorneys General and State Utility Regulators have worked diligently over the past several years to enact extremely onerous rules governing the services and pricing of competitive energy suppliers. On paper, the regulations might appear to protect consumers. But now, as we witness energy prices rise to possibly all-time high levels, we can see...
Trends Analyzed From 2021 EIA Data Shows Increase in Shopping Activity and Savings for All Customer Segments HARRISBURG, PA (September 21, 2022) – Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, released its 2021 data report based on the latest figures collected by the U.S. Energy Information Administration...
With electricity rates climbing to record-setting rates, it’s now more important than ever to shop and choose the energy plan that best fits your lifestyle. On June 21, RESA, the nation’s leading trade association representing retail energy suppliers, is hosting its third annual National Energy Shopping Day (NESD) to help raise awareness for consumers to...
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